Sunday, September 12, 2010

Best marrige sms

Most successful
Happy married life is
Defined as.
“Yet to be seen”

A person who surrenders when he’s WRONG, is HONEST.
A person who surrenders when he’s WRONG,
A person who SURRENDERS when not SURE,
is WISE.
A person who surrenders even if he’s RIGHT,
is a HUSBAND.!

Difference between boyfriend and husband
Boy friend is fun,
Husband is gun,
Boy friend is light of moon,
Husband is month of june,
Boy friend is tooty fruity,
Husband is qismat phooti.

If marriages are made in heaven
Q: If marriages are made in heaven,
than what are made in Hell?
Answer: The days after marriage!

Before & after marriage
Before marriage:
Roses are red, sky is blue,
O my darling! I love you…
After Marriage:
Roses are dead,
I have flu,
don’t come near me,
Paray hatt tuu,

Only true friends stand by u
Only true friends stand by u
during bad times.
I promise
I will attend ur wedding.

Remember your wife birthday
The most effective
way 2 remember
ur wife’s birthday
is 2 forget it once.

What was the first thing
Lawyer: “What was the first thing your husband
said to you when he woke that morning?”
Witness: “He said, ‘Where am I, Cathy?’”
Lawyer: “And why did that upset you?”
Witness: “My name is Susan.”

allow a Man to MARRY 2 Women
Why Government do NOT
allow a Man to MARRY 2 Women.
Because per Constitution,
for the same Mistake.

Before and after marriage
Before Marriage:-
He: yes! atlast it was so hard 2 wait
she:do you want me 2 leave?
He: No! don’t even think about it
She: do you love me ?
He:ofcourse! over n over!
She:have u ever cheated on me?
He:No!y r u even asking?
She:will u go on wid me on picnic?
He:every chance I get!
She:will u hit me ?
He:R u crazy?I’m not that kind of person!
She:can I trust u?
She: Darling!
After marriage…
Now simply read from bottom to top

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