Boy bought gift for His Girl friend-
GF:Wat the hell would I do with this rocket?
Boy: U wanted stars na?
Now sit on it and GET LOST:p
The Game
I know u think u broke my heart
but I knew your game right from the start
I saw your game and played it 2
so look here I play the jokes on u!
I will wait …
I Will Wait ..
Till The Day
“I” Can Forget “You” ..
The Day
You Realize
“You” Cannot Forget “Me” ..
zenith of relation
A man may or may not be happy when he/she win’s one’s mind.
But he must be happy when win’s one’s trust.
Trust is the zenith of all relation.
You value your relationship
“COMPROMISING” doesn’t mean that
your are wrong and someone is right,
it only means that
you value your “RELATIONSHIP”
much more then your “EGO”
Thursday, September 9, 2010
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